Writing and Culture
Writing & Culture. Ed. Balz Engler, SPELL 6. (Tübingen: Narr, 1992) Order
Balz Engler, Preface: On the Ampersand, 9
Suzanne Romaine, Literacy as Cargo in Papua New Guinea, 13
H. H. Meier, Writing and Medieval Culture, 33
Françoise Le Saux, "Hir not Lettyrd": Margery Kempe and Writing, 53
Margaret Bridges, Of Myths and Maps: the Anglo-Saxon Cosmographer's Europe, 69
Neil Forsyth, Trees, Guilt, and Civilization, 85
John G. Blair, Readings of Melville, The Difference(s) that Culture Makes, 115
Paul Beekman Taylor, Native Americans Translating Culture: Momaday and Anaya, 133
Hartwig Isernhagen, Writing Interculture: the Communication of Difference and the Notion of Power, 151
Adam Piette, Ill Seen Ill said: Allusion and Cultural Memory, 179
James A. Boon, Litterytoor 'n Anthropolygee: A Twainian Talk About Cultures, Vernaculars, and Humor, plus the Magical Essays of Marcel Mauss, 197
James Boon, Patrick Parrinder, Janice Radway, Suzanne Romaine, et al., The Magic of English--SAUTE Panel (Fribourg, May 11, 1991, 231
Notes on Contributors, 247
Index, 251